Sunday, December 23, 2018

Doll Man? Superhero?

I'm sure as kids many of us dreamed of being a superhero. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and plenty of others.

But Doll Man? Seriously?

The hero has apparently found the secret to transforming himself into a small superhero known as Doll Man.

I don't remember this one as a kid but I can say with certainty that if I dreamed of being a superhero, Doll Man would never have been one of the heroes I would have aspired to be.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

News Flash. Why Santa Claus Won't Be Delivering Gifts This Year.

I don't want to ruin your day but this snowman and snowgirl seem to have heard that Santa won't be able to deliver gifts this year. The snowman has the inside story.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Reallusion Crazytalk Animator 2 Irritates Me

The company, Reallusion, markets their products in a way that not only irritates me but many other users as well. Just check some of the comments on videos about Crazytalk Animator.

So I'm spilling my guts.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Snowman Scares Stickman Kid

I'm still working out the nuances of Crazytalk Animator 2 Pro but making some headway.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Stickman Animation - Burning Fire Dilemma

These two stickman characters are out camping and the subject of burning sticks for a fire comes up. Funny.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Super Duck Resembles Donald Duck

Doesn't Super Duck somewhat resemble Donald Duck? Here's what surprised me. I thought this was maybe published before Donald Duck and that Disney copied from it like it did from numerous public domain stories.

I was wrong. Donald Duck was created in 1934; Super Duck in 1943.

Here's what surprised me. Even thought Disney made it's reputation taking public domain stories and creating their own version, they are seemingly against others doing the same. They're strict on using their likeness and they were one of the ones responsible for extending public domain lengths.

So I'm surprised and happy they didn't stop this. It's a pretty good comic book and Super Duck is quite a character.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Snowmen Dancing

I made this video for your entertainment using Crazytalk Animator 2 Pro. I had to take it to Movie Maker to add the music as Crazytalk didn't want to recognize the mp3 format for some reason.
I hope you enjoy it. If you do please comment so I know to make more.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Fairies in Fairy Tales

I was searching Comic Book Plus for comic books about fairy tales and came across this interesting page. I thought you might enjoy reading about the different fairies that are well known in fairy tales.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Stickman - Bobby's Gang

I made these little guys using Crazytalk Animator 2 Pro. The hard part will be creating unique voices as well as scripts so I can begin putting some short animations on You Tube.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Crazytalk Animator 2 Pro Review

I purchased Crazytalk Animator 2 Pro version last week, along with the Crazytalk 7 Pro. It should go hand in hand with the Creator 7 software I previously reviewed.

Now I happened to get lucky and was scrolling and found these 2 versions bundled with some additional software by Reallusion and got a really good deal. Otherwise this software is pretty expensive, as well as any paks you might want to add.

This is a quick review and right now I'm plowing my way through learning what animation I can create with this software. There is a learning curve but plenty of tutorials by Reallusion on Youtube. This short animation video I made was done in 10 minutes.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Fire Hydrant Not Happy

Here's another cartoon I made with the Creator Bundle.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Meme Generator. Easily Make Your Own Memes

I put together this short and to the point tutorial to show you how you can easily create your own memes. Watch the video and then head over to the meme generator. As you'll discover, you can do a heck of a lot more with this software than just memes.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Monster Might Make Her Think Twice


I really don't know what to say about this. You just have to think one of them might have sensed something.

Not What This Skeleton Had In Mind

Here's a mix up a restaurant made that probably won't happen in real life.

I know it's corny but c'mon. It's a little funny, right?

Friday, August 31, 2018

Atomic Mouse (inspiration for Mighty Mouse?)

Atomic Mouse is a pretty cool comic book that I remember reading when I was a kid. Could the inspiration for Mighty Mouse have originated here?

Atomic Mouse was the first and most successful superhero series from Charlton Comics and Vince Fago is credited for the story.

Atomic Mouse is a comical superhero. I might bring you more of this super mouse if there is enough interest.

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Lion and the Mouse

Remember this fairy tale about the lion and the mouse? The story is sometimes used to teach kids the importance of being kind to others.

There have been complete cartoons that use this story. Here is a nice version of it from an old comic book.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Mixed Up Comic

Stop! Don't tell me. There is something wrong with this picture but I can't quite figure it out.

This comic quacks me up. (You can moan now)

Monday, July 30, 2018


I thought this comic, taken from Sparkler Comics comic book, was kinda cute. What do you think?

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Mutt and Jeff

Mutt and Jeff was the first successful American newspaper comic printed as a strip of panels instead of a single panel. It originated back in 1907 and at first focused on a single character.

It later became a comic book. Here is the comic being used as an advertisement for the San Francisco Chronicle.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Captain Marvel Junior

This Captain Marvel Junior comic book was published in 1947. The character actually first appeared in 1941. He was actually a spin off of the Captain Marvel superhero in that he turned into Captain Marvel but as a teenage boy.

He also said "Captain Marvel" to transform instead of saying "Shazam".

Friday, June 8, 2018

Fritzi Ritz

Fritzi Ritz started out as a somewhat shallow figure who mainly thought about men and clothes and money. Eventually she became a down to earth woman when Nancy came along. Nancy started out as a house guest but somewhere along the line Fritzi was Nancy's aunt. I'm speaking of  Nancy from the Nancy and Sluggo comic.

I always liked this cartoon but don't you even think I'm that old. :-) Fritzi got her start in 1922. Sh was still going strong in the funnies in the 60's.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Beetle Bailey

Beetle Bailey has always been one of my favorite cartoon characters, even before I joined the army. I wish it was in the public domain so more stories could be created but unfortunately it is not.

This cartoon script pretty much sums up the relationship between Beetle and Sergeant Snorkel.

Remind you any of Gomer Pyle and Sergeant Carter?

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Comics From the Past

Enjoy these comic panels from the past. The one with the brainy boy coming home from school reminds me of Young Sheldon.

Am I right?

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Learn to Draw Cartoons - Introduction

This book is from the 1950's and is an outstanding cartoon course. It is in the public domain so I'll share it with you. This is the opening page and shows you some of what you will learn about drawing cartoon faces.

Bookmark this page. I'll add excerpts from time to time from the book. The book is long and wordy so I'll only pass on the meat of the lessons. One of the words of advice from the book says to keep it simple.

Try to sketch some of these faces.

Friday, April 20, 2018

The Marvel Family Comic Book

I came across this comic at ComicBookPlus. Captain Marvel is still somewhat popular but I confess I don't know much about him except that there were numerous versions of him.

In this comic three kids actually get changed to the Marvel Family when two of the kids say "Shazam" and one says the name of his hero, Captain Marvel He is the one who becomes Captain Marvel.

They all fly. I keep saying Shazam and Captain Marvel but nothing is happening.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Fantasmagorie - First Animated Cartoon

Fantasmagorie is a French animation film created by Émile Cohl  in 1908. It is considered to be the first animated cartoon. 

The movie runs right around a minute and twenty seconds. He used paper drawings so had to draw approximately 700 pictures. It looks like a chalk drawing but is kinda cool if you think about when it was made. I have a link to it if you'd like to watch.


Sunday, April 8, 2018

3D Animation - Good, Bad, Ugly Parody

I use a 3d animation program called Muvizu to create some fun and entertaining 3D animations.

I'm a Clint Eastwood fan and especially like his westerns. So I did a parody of his The Good, Bad & Ugly movie.

I hope you enjoy it.

 I'll put some more 3d animations here in the future.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Nancy and Sluggo Comic

I keep coming across these Nancy comic books at ComicBookPlus but she is apparently not in the public domain. You can see the cover but the comic pages are omitted.

Fritzi Ritz began in 1922 but her niece, Nancy, was not introduced until 1933. She became popular and pretty much dominated the strip. Sluggo was introduced in 1938.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My Little Margie Comic Book

My Little Margie was a popular TV series that ran from 1952 - 1955. Gale Storm was the star. It was a another TV show that came out in a comic book.

I'm not sure how long the comic book lasted but I'm finding out there are lots of comic books based on TV series.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Krazy Kat

I'm not really too fond of this comic but Krazy Kat was pretty popular. The cartoon is often referenced when learning how to make your own cartoon. He kind of reminds me of Felix the Cat as far as his appearance.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Olive Oyl in Thimble Theatre Comics

This is kinda cool. Popeye first appeared in the Thimble Theatre in 1929 and later became the comic strips title.

Here is a 1919 Thimble Theatre strip long before Popeye first appeared. Yep - that's Olive Oyl. Doesn't the villian remind you somewhat of Dick Dasterdly?

In an earlier strip there was mention of Brutus but he was a child. A mean one though. I'll do some more research on the Thimble Theatre (the spelling for theater a long time back) and see if I can find some more characters from Popeye. Olive Oyl seems to pretty prominent in this strip.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Cartoon - Is There Life On Other Planets

There are all sorts of thoughts as to whether there is life on other planets. Sometimes people tend to get irate when people disagree with them.

I thought it would be fun to show how we here on earth might tend to become argumentative when discussing the subject and how the same discussion might be held on another planet.

Check out the video . . . Is There Life On Other Planets? 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Drawing Stickmen Can Be Fun

Who has never done some doodling in their life? Put some paper in front of someone and give them a pen and almost anyone will doodle.

Drawing stickmen ranks right up there when it comes to doodling. They are actually becoming pretty popular and are seen in commercials at times. Who hasn't seen people's stickman family?

If you want to get a little creative, sit down and just start drawing. Think of a joke or something and see where it goes.

We're talking stickmen. There are no rules.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Leave It to Beaver Comic Book

I get surprised from time to time when I realize some of the shows I use to watch a long time ago actually had their own comic books. Leave it to Beaver was one of them. Here's the cover from one of the comic issues.