Monday, February 24, 2025

WHY Caveman Needs Coffee

 Ever wonder what it was like to get up in the morning and not have coffee to give you a kick start?

Wild Thing is not having success getting Bob to wake up.

Tara pops in.

"What's wrong, Wild Thing?"

"I can't get Bob to get up. His eyes are part open, but he doesn't move."

"He probably needs some coffee. The problem is coffee hasn't been invented yet."

"Wait, What?" asks Wild Thing. "What are you even talking about?"

"Coffee. But it doesn't matter. There's no such thing as coffee right now, so you just have to smack Bob and wake him up. Or invent coffee."

Wild Thing stares at Tara for what seems like a long time.

"You don't make sense. How do I invent something when I don't even know what it is? You're an idiot."

"Bite me. I'm outta here. You're on your own."

Bob was finally awake and jumped up.

"What is she even talking about? What is coffee, anyway?"

Wild Thing shakes his head.

"I don't know, man. She's always bringing up things that aren't even invented. It's like she was in the future before. Doesn't matter. Just get your butt up and let's go get some meat!"

Will the cavemen invent coffee? I don't know yet. Any thoughts?

Monday, February 17, 2025

Clueless Bigfoot Hunters

Aside from the books I've written as B.D. Knight, I also like to do some cartoon animations. The hardest part is sometimes coming up with an idea.

My grandson and I have watched some Bigfoot hunters on TV from time to time and always laugh because they never actually find a Bigfoot but always claim there are plenty of signs that point to Bigfoot being real.

I thought why not make a Bigfoot hunter spoof.  This is one of the favorite animations I've done. Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Eagles Saved Us All


Thank goodness eagles are strong because they saved us from an offseason and probably an entire year of listening about a 3-peat.

Look at the strength of this guy! I'm a Brown's fan (hides head) but have been so tired of hearing about Kansas City. 

This is a cartoon site, but I needed to spew my thoughts about this. I stream tv and couldn't watch most afternoon football games on Peacock because they were having a K.C. lovefest. 

Is it just me or are others beyond irritated hearing the fans and their tomahawk chant? I'd turn off the TV and watch a movie. 

Maybe next year will be different. In any case, this is my thoughts on the Super Bowl this year.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

FDA Wants to Ban Coffee - Fake News Report

 In a startling fake news report, the FDA is at it again. 

You might have read a fake report I published a long time back where the FDA was banning coffee. That failed.

But they are back. the FDA decided to launch a campaign to ban coffee. The reason? They claimed it was causing people to become too productive and happy, which was clearly a threat to the natural order of things.

At least in their minds.

A secret society, called The Bean Brigade, has sprung up. I mean if they are supposed to be secret, how am I knowing about this?

They held not so secret meetings in the back rooms of coffee shops, where they screamed gibberish and plotted their resistance over steaming cups of java. They threatened to march on Washington. 

Their threats had an immediate effect as the FDA has temporarily backed down. 

But keep an eye on this fake news. It could happen again.